Combining Nature and Architecture:

Round Rock Public Library's Labyrinth and Rooftop Discovery Garden

Article and Photo By: Julia M. Chambers

Hidden atop the newly opened Round Rock Public Library lies a charming rooftop discovery garden--an ideal space for events, scheduled programs, and passive activities, complete with lovely native Texas plants. 

This family-friendly, quiet area is decorated with a colorful array of furniture, masonry tiles, sustainably sourced wood decking modules, and rubberized play surface tiles. The garden is also designed to be accessible for all visitors, with ADA-compliant surfaces and complete wheelchair accessibility. It's a lovely setting for outdoor movie nights, with the large central screen framed on the parking garage wall.

However, the garden’s most enchanting feature is perhaps the artificial turf centerpiece featuring a mesmerizing maze pattern—a labyrinth made of grasses. One can't help but wander through this playful artistic path to its center and breathe in the sights.

What is it about Mazes?

Mazes have captivated humans for thousands of years, spurring us to explore winding pathways in pursuit of a hidden exit. But why is this exploration so compelling? What deeper human motivations compel us to seek out and walk these puzzles?

A maze is distinguishable from a labyrinth because it has an entry and an exit point. In contrast, a labyrinth is a winding, single-route path leading to the structure's center. Labyrinths often incorporate curves and turns, allowing for an explorative experience. By taking a stroll through the maze of winding turns in a labyrinth, one can find their way to the heart at its center.

Ancient Origins Across Many Cultures

Mazes have a long history dating back thousands of years—though the first mazes weren't mazes at all. The earliest versions were labyrinths with a single winding path. 

Designs of labyrinths have been around for centuries. Named from the Greek term for a palace, LABYRINTHOS, these intricate patterns have appeared in many cultures and religious contexts, such as Hindu and Hopi images. While its roots likely date back to neolithic times, the earliest labyrinth was documented in Egypt in the fifth century B.C.

Labyrinths initially served as a pathway to enlightenment, designed as tools for quiet reflection and spiritual journeys. They guided one along a single path, offering those who traversed them a calming and contemplative experience.

Christian pilgrims used the 11-circuit labyrinth located on the floor of Chartres Cathedral near Paris, which dates to approx. 1200 A.C.E., as a way to symbolically complete a journey to the Holy Land. It is one of the oldest and most famous in Europe. Exquisitely detailed, the intricate labyrinths crafted into Gothic cathedrals across Europe symbolize the spiritual journey taken by pilgrims and other visitors. These masterworks stir a sense of awe and admiration in those who travel to see them.

Benefits of a Labyrinth Space

Spiritual roots aside, labyrinths are recognized for their many benefits and are used in many settings today.

The popularity of Labyrinths in healthcare environments such as hospitals, outpatient clinics, hospices, and elder care facilities is understandable. Labyrinths provide a calming presence for patients and can also be used to facilitate therapeutic activities with healthcare professionals.

Labyrinth walking is a mindful practice that can promote better concentration, decreased anxiety levels, and create an opportunity for thoughtful introspection. In today's busy culture, carving out time for mindful activities may be difficult. Taking time to engage in a slow, intentional walk on a determined path in a quiet environment can be an excellent way to declutter the mind and sharpen focus.

Labyrinth mazes are also a beautiful and fun way for children to interact with and experience creative design, as well as exercise critical thinking, mindfulness, and problem-solving. More and more, labyrinths are popular designs in children’s hospitals, parks, schools, and of course, libraries!

Journey of Exploration

While wandering through the winding paths of the Round Rock Public Library’s labyrinth and taking in the sights of the Discovery Garden, it is easy to imagine yourself on a journey of exploration. Between the featured artwork and the computer lab, the children's area, and the upper deck (with the beautiful view of downtown Round Rock), there's something extraordinary here for everyone. Our public library is the perfect community place for people of all ages to enjoy a variety of cultural, educational, and recreational activities. Whether you are an avid bookworm or just looking for something different, visiting the new library is sure to delight.

Discovery Garden Designed by Aan Coleman & Associates